Scenes from the 2024-2025 Coffee Harvest

Our hard-working coffee farmers have been busy harvesting and processing the 24-25 coffee harvest. A few of our growers have recently sent us photos of this year’s harvest. Since it is important to us to try to maintain as close a connection as possible between the coffee growers and you, the end user, we wanted to share these pictures with you.


Photos from Coffee Harvest In Cafe De Costa Rica

This region of Costa Rica boasts some of the best coffee in the world and some of the most beautiful scenery. It’s always a treat to get pictures from these farmers. Here’s scenes from this season’s coffee harvest.

But first, enjoy this short video clip of a mountain stream on one of the farms.

Photos of Coffee Processing From Our Colombia Coffee Farms

Here’s a few photos from one of the farms in Colombia that grows our coffee. This farmer is growing platano (plantain) trees in among the coffee bushes to provide more shade which slows down the coffee maturation. The slower the coffee matures the more unique flavor it produces.

The photos below are from the processing and warehouse facilities in Colombia where the coffee grown by the growers gets screened for quality and then carefully sorted into the proper lots.

The processing facility in Colombia uses a computerized sorter to sort out the top quality beans (based on color) from the lower quality beans. Little cameras and shots of compressed air are used to shoot out the lower grade kernels and ensure that our coffee is only the premium coffee beans.

Sad, but true, fact – the rejected kernels go into lots that ultimately end up at large coffee roasters like Starbucks and Tim Hortons.

Here’s a short video clip of the computerized sorter in operation.

Photos of Coffee Harvest from the Honduras Sigua Coffee Farms

And finally, a few snapshot from the coffee harvest in Honduras at our Sigua Family Coffee farms. The harvest in Honduras is looking absolutely stunning this year.


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